• "Short term results can fluctuate. Sometimes you win more than expected, sometimes you lose. This is called the standard deviation and this is what most people commonly see as 'luck'."

  • "When all the bets are placed, the dealer spins the wheel as a rubber flapper at the top flaps between the different stops. Whichever stop the flapper rests on when the wheel stops wins."

  • "Blackjack tables are felt-covered half circles with room for seven players. Each player has a box or circle in front of them where they put their bet while other chips outside are not in play."

  • "1930s Montana saw a game similar to the 'Chinese Lottery' become popular as people could win a lot of money from a tiny bet. Eventually this game travelled to the legal gambling pastures of Nevada."

  • "Playing at a full roulette table is far better than playing at an empty one because it reduces the number of spins you see per hour while qualifying you for better comps through longer play."