This is the greatest month of the year at SuperLenny Casino! The dynamic iGaming destination has taken a different approach to the classic promotions calendar. You’ll find the top SuperLenny December promotions in Lenny’s Legendary Calendar, which is filled with “25 days of awesome!”
From the 1st December to the 25th December, 2016, SuperLenny has loaded its calendar with incredible daily offers like exciting tournaments, free spins offers and surprise giveaways.
Taking advantage of these offers gives you the chance to win amazing prizes like iPhones, iPads, and Nintendo NES among other nifty gadgets. On top of that, there’s also super spins to win and plenty of cash! Plus, don’t forget that all free spins at SuperLenny are wager-free!
What’s even more exciting about this SuperLenny December promotions calendar is that it has an extra perk: the Star Counter. The way it works is that for every day you opt-in to a daily offer and bet €50, you’ll get a star in the Star Counter. By collecting one star, you will receive a guaranteed prize at the end of the promotional period as well as a ticket to one of several raffles.
The more stars you collect, the more awesome your guaranteed prize will be. For instance, the minimum 1 – 5 stars will get you 25 Free Spins and entry into the Lenny t-shirt raffle while the maximum 21-25 stars will guarantee you 150 Free Spins and the chance to win an iPhone 7 (bonus terms and conditions apply).
Start collecting your stars today at SuperLenny Casino!