• "When a dealer has an ace as their visible card, they will ask for insurance bets and then check if they have a blackjack. If they do, everyone loses. If not, play continues as normal."

  • "Although roulette has a relatively high house edge, you can play for longer because an average table only sees about thirty spins an hour, compared to sixty games an hour for blackjack."

  • "Ideally, all bets should be made with chips. However, casinos will allow one-time bets made with cash. To confirm this bet, the dealer will say, 'money plays'. if you win, you will receive your winnings in casino chips."

  • "Bonus multiplier slot machines operate like regular multipliers, except the jackpot for a max bet is significantly higher, 5,000 for one coin, 10,000 for two, 50,000 for three. You usually want to bet the maximum."

  • "When playing blackjack with more than two decks, all the players' cards are dealt face-up from a device called a shoe and everyone can see them. Touching your cards is prohibited."