• "In order to keep the house edge, casinos offer games where they win outright more often or they offer games where the player may win more often, but doesn't get paid the true odds."

  • "Ideally, all bets should be made with chips. However, casinos will allow one-time bets made with cash. To confirm this bet, the dealer will say, 'money plays'. if you win, you will receive your winnings in casino chips."

  • "The minimum table limit at a roulette table is the same whether you make inside or outside bets. On the other hand, because you can win more, inside bets often have a lower maximum limit."

  • "Although all slot machines look alike, no two models of machine are the same. Some are far better than others, and you should learn how to evaluate each machine to see if its worth playing."

  • "While mechanical reels remain limited to 22 physical stops, today's video slot machines use virtual reels which can carry dozens of video symbols and hundreds of stops, allowing casinos to offer enormous jackpots."