• "Slow and steady is the best strategy for slot playing. That way you can play for a longer time with the same money and take advantage of more casino perks, like free drinks."

  • "Every slot machine is controlled by a computer chip containing the Random Number Generator. Whether the machine is being played or not, the RNG generates thousands of numbers per second."

  • "When all the bets are placed, the dealer spins the wheel as a rubber flapper at the top flaps between the different stops. Whichever stop the flapper rests on when the wheel stops wins."

  • "Ideally, all bets should be made with chips. However, casinos will allow one-time bets made with cash. To confirm this bet, the dealer will say, 'money plays'. if you win, you will receive your winnings in casino chips."

  • "The most common casino bet is an even money bet where you get one chip for every chip you bet. So if you bet one chip, you get your original chip back, plus an additional chip."