• "The modern slot machine was born in 1984, when a system of using a Random Number Generator to determine the sequence of stops was invented. This allowed for reels with as many as 256 stops."

  • "Blackjack tables are felt-covered half circles with room for seven players. Each player has a box or circle in front of them where they put their bet while other chips outside are not in play."

  • "When all the bets are placed, the dealer spins the wheel as a rubber flapper at the top flaps between the different stops. Whichever stop the flapper rests on when the wheel stops wins."

  • "You are not permitted to touch your bet at a blackjack table once the first card of a hand has been dealt. Only the dealer is allowed to touch the chips during a hand."

  • "Everything a casino does is carefully calculated to separate you from your money. Always keep in mind that casinos are businesses, and their business is taking your money from you."